24.05.2022, Online

C7 Capacity Building Workshop: Getting through to make a difference – developing advocacy and communication tools


24 May 2022

14.00 – 16.00 CEST


Online via Zoom

On 01 January 2022, Germany has assumed the G7 Presidency. VENRO and the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development have been appointed by the German Government to coordinate the Civil7.

The 2022 C7 process is accompanied by several workshops throughout the year. The series addresses a variety of thematic and strategic areas relevant to the engagement of the C7. It is designed to build capacities and share knowledge between all stakeholders involved.

This workshop focusses on advocacy and communication tools on how to actively shape summit outcomes. The aim is to provide ideas and tools for effective lobbying and to share best practices. We will focus on two levels: On the one side, how to develop a general advocacy strategy for G7 Summits. This will be complemented by best practice example from G7 as well as G20 presidencies. On the other side, we will use the workshop to discuss with participants how the remaining weeks up to the G7 Summit 2022 in Elmau can be used to effectively communicate civil society’s asks and recommendations.

Please note that the workshop is not limited to members of the C7 Working Groups. We would like to encourage all interested civil society actors to join.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Moritz Böttcher (m.boettcher(at)venro.org).
