15.03.2022, Berlin

C7 Capacity Building Workshop: In the Spotlight – G7 and C7

VENRO und Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung

VENRO und Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung

15 March 2022

13.00-14.30 CET


Online via Zoom

On 01 January 2022, Germany has assumed the G7 Presidency. VENRO and the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development have been appointed by the German Government to coordinate the Civil7.

The 2022 C7 process is accompanied by several workshops throughout the year. The series addresses a variety of thematic and strategic areas relevant to the engagementof the C7. It is designed to build capacities and share knowledge between all stakeholders involved.

This workshop gives an overview of the history of the G7 – its formation, modes of action, major challenges – with a particular focus on civil society engagement. The aim is to give participants background information on the G7/C7 processes and to provide examples and insights on civil society advocacy activities: Where has the work of NGOs been reflected in the final G7 declarations? What can we learn from other processes such as the C20? What strategies proved to be successful? There will be Questions and Answers and discussion time available.

This workshop will be led by Kel Currah, founder of What World Strategies and initiator of the Global Advocacy Taskforce.

Please contact Daniela Dicks for further questions (+49 157 58 19 25 02, d.dicks(at)venro.org).
