02.03.2022 - 10.03.2022, Online

Complaints mechanisms on the test


Online training


Wednesday, 2 March,

Thursday, 3 March,

Monday, 7 March

9 am – 3 pm CET each and


Thursday, 10 March 2022

9 am – 12:30 pm CET


Many humanitarian organisations have introduced complaints mechanisms or whistleblowing systems to enable communities, staff and other stakeholders to safely raise issues of sexual violence, exploitation, abuse of power, corruption, fraud or any other form of misconduct. Implemented effectively, they can help to identify problems and misconduct at an early stage.

In this seminar, we would like to give participants a chance to refresh their knowledge and to discuss good practices and challenges of the complaints mechanisms with other NGOs.

The seminar consists of four online sessions in the morning and three group work sessions in the afternoon. All sessions include breaks, interactive expert inputs, discussions in small groups and plenary as well as working on real case studies and policies. After the seminar individual coaching sessions are offered.

It is directed at experienced staff of German humanitarian NGOs that have already taken part in one of the VENRO seminars on complaints mechanisms.

The seminar will be facilitated by Ester Dross. Ester is an accountability, PSEA, gender and child protection specialist with long experience in the humanitarian field. She has extensive expertise in conducting investigations into allegations of staff misbehavior including sexual exploitation and abuse, fraud and corruption.

The sessions will be in English. Participation is free of charge. Given that the number of participants is limited, we kindly ask you to fill in the corresponding information in the registration form. We will inform you about final admission after the registration deadline.

Please contact Karoline Krähling for further questions (+49 (0)30/26 39 299-28, k.kraehling(at)venro.org).

