Initiative Transparent Civil Society

VENRO joined the Initiative Transparent Civil Society.
Signatories of the Initiative voluntarily commit to publishing ten pieces of information about their organisation on their website. This includes the statutes, the names of the principal decision makers as well as data on the sources of funds, the use of funds and the personnel structure.

Already in 2008, VENRO’s member organisations had adopted a code of conduct on transparency, organisational management and monitoring. (in German)


We, the Association of German Development Non-Governmental Organisations (VENRO), commit to making the information set forth below available to the public by prominently placing it on our website together with this declaration or mailing it electronically or by post upon request.

1. Name, address and year of establishment

Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs (VENRO)
Stresemannstr. 72
10963 Berlin

Year of establishment: 1995

2. Statutes

Our statutes are available in the media library.
VENRO statues

3. Date of notice of exemption:

February 9, 2018

4. Name and function of decision makers

Names and functions of our decision makers are available in the organigram.

5. Activity report

Our activity report is available in our annual report in the media library.
Annual report 2017 (in German)

6. Personnel structure

Our Personnel structure is available in our annual report in the media library.
Annual report 2017 (in German)

Remuneration structure
remuneration follows the federal civil service pay scale (Entgelttabelle Bund des Tarifvertrags für den Öffentlichen Dienst, TVöD) with the following subdivision:
1. Management: Pay grade 15
2. Policy advisors: Pay grades 12 and 13
3. Office, assistants, administration (finance and personnel):  9 to 11

Further information is available in our annual report in the media library.
Annual report 2017 (in German)

7. Information about the source of funds

The information about the source of funds is available in our annual report in the media library.
Annual report 2017 (in German)

8. Information about the use of funds

The information about the use of funds is available in our annual report in the media library.
Annual report 2017 (in German)

9. Affiliated third parties:


10. Names of legal entities (contribution of more than 10% of the total annual revenues)

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


Initiative Transparent Civil Society